Geoarchaeology provides theory and methods for investigating the settings and processes that influence archaeological site location, preservation, and discovery. In this field journal I visit spring localities and discuss four of the major landforms in the Twin Peaks region of the Smoke Creek highlands, a dissected volcanic landscape along the Nevada-California frontier, north of Honey Lake. I collaborated with a group of archaeologists from Far Western and the Bureau of Land Management during cultural resources inventory in the region.
I produced this video journal to introduce field teams and resource managers to the basics of spring geoarchaeology specific to the project. Crew leaders shared it with all field teams as an additional introduction to working in the area. I apologize for the wind-blown audio, I’d crushed my good microphone a few days earlier.
Always good to be in the outback of northern Nevada. Please respect and preserve the prehistoric, historic, and indigenous archaeological record of the Great Basin. See, enjoy, and learn — Leave it Better.